Life No. 1 – Pregnancy

Main ingredients: purified high-quantity ω-3-DHA, lecithin extraction, yeast ferric iron, yeast folic acid, phosphatidylserine, SOD-like (rice germ soybean peptide natto extract) main role:Pre-pregnan

Life No. 1 - Pregnancy

Main ingredients: purified high-quantity ω-3-DHA, lecithin extraction, yeast ferric iron, yeast folic acid, phosphatidylserine, SOD-like (rice germ soybean peptide natto extract)

main role:
Pre-pregnancy: anti-oxidation, soothe the nerves, nourishing blood;

During pregnancy: the fetus grows healthily, and the left and right brain develop at the same time;

Postpartum: promote the smooth flow of the breast, make up the “qi and blood deficiency”;

Daily: conditioning women’s health, improving sleep, whitening, protecting the ovaries, regulating endocrine disorders, and delaying the arrival of women’s menopause.

Product capacity: 60 capsules (540mg)

How to use: Pre-pregnancy: 2 capsules/day to prevent fetal malformation and improve pregnancy rate

Pregnancy: 2 capsules/day, the baby’s eyes are brighter and the brain is more spiritual.

Lactation after pregnancy: 2 capsules / time, 2 times / day, increase milk nutrition, smooth breast, prevent hair loss, supplement blood.

Daily: 2 capsules / day, conditioning women’s health, delaying menopause

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