Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

Reporter: Lin Xiao About Dr.Allan Wong: Born in Malaysia in 1959, studied in the underground school founded by the Chinese in Brunei from 1969 to 1977, arrived in Hong Kong in 1979, and founded Health

Reporter: Lin Xiao

About Dr.Allan Wong:

Born in Malaysia in 1959, studied in the underground school founded by the Chinese in Brunei from 1969 to 1977, arrived in Hong Kong in 1979, and founded Health Circle Ltd. in 1989. Health Circle International Group was established in 1995.He is the founder and chairman of the Health Circle Charity Association. He is the world’s leading Chinese in 2006, a member of the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference, the President of the United States Successfully Incentives International College, and the Dean of the Hong Kong Health College.

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

Miss China

The office building of Nathan Line in Nathan Road, Kowloon, records the history of Dr.Allan Wong’s business.In 1989, a Japanese company with a general manager of Dr.Allan Wong divested from Hong Kong. They invited the outstanding general manager to go to Japan, and Dr.Allan Wong did not go.He identified himself as a Chinese and rooted in China. He registered his own Health Circle Ltd. in this office building. At that time, he had only one tens of square meters of office and three employees.To date, he is the owner of six floors of this office building, with hundreds of employees, Health Circle Ltd. has developed into a long business card record of the Health Circle International Group.When he took my interview here, he took me to visit his equipment and let me see his inner world.

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

Dr.Allan Wong was born in Malaysia. At the age of ten, he happened to encounter the wave of “China”, and his mother-in-law led a drift to Brunei to become a stateless refugee.Hunger is forced to know the word “China” on the textbook sponsored by the China Education Foundation.This is also the case from elementary school to middle school. “I am very grateful to the China Education Foundation. I feel that they are mainland foundations from the simplified textbooks they sent me. Thanks to them for finding out-of-school Chinese children in such difficult circumstances. I donated these people without paying. I learned about the motherland with their help and learned culture with their help. When I was a teenager, I have never seen a map of China, but I know that China is very big in textbooks. I miss my country day and night, hoping to return to the motherland one day. At that time, a song we often sang is ‘remember China’,” said Dr. Allan Wong, whispering: “Dear China, My heart has not changed, I will miss you forever…” This is a very lyrical song, and Dr. Allan Wong’s thoughts permeated the melody of the song twenty years ago.

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

“My mother-in-law lived in Brunei for eight years. One day in 1977, I said to my mother-in-law, I am going to Hong Kong to find my parents. I am going to see China. My mother-in-law did not hesitate and Put me on the boat.”

This rich man today, talking about the bitterness of the past, still could not help but burst into tears: “I still feel sorry for my mother-in-law, her old family’s family life all saved me to the boat to Hong Kong, but she did not live to see My achievements today.”

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

“My mother-in-law didn’t think that her old man’s savings were taken away by the ship’s owner. I didn’t arrive in Hong Kong. Instead, I was detained by the ship owner on the grounds of not paying the fees. I worked hard for them for two years and two years. I was wandering around the ports in Southeast Asia. One day, I saw the words “make in china” on the ship. I know that I am excited at a port in Guangxi, China. This is my motherland that I think about day and night. I decided to get off the boat. It was dark, I sneaked out of the boat. This is a big world. Where am I going? I am unaccompanied, I have no choice but to get on the boat. Two years of boat time, every day It’s bitter, it’s really called the sky, it’s not good. Finally one day, the ship owner said to me, your parents found it, they are in Hong Kong, you can get off the boat. They throw me on the high seas, I am like a refugee. I fled to Hong Kong and was taken in by the police in Admiralty. When I called my parents, my mother heard my voice fainting. My father took the call and told me that for so many years, I don’t know where my mother and my mother are. I thought we were no longer in the world. Dad immediately let the cousin put me back home, I finally returned to the motherland. Back to my home. This is 1979 years. “

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

Hard work

In Health Circle, employees often listen to the chairman’s words: “You are very happy now, you have to cherish!” Many people do not know, Dr.Allan Wong said that these words have a profound background。

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

“I just arrived in Hong Kong and couldn’t understand Cantonese. My father arranged me in a Chinese company. The monthly salary was 400 yuan. I gave my mother 100 yuan a month. When I saved a thousand dollars, I left the company. I work in a factory, because I am allergic to the copper in the factory, and I left the factory. My father is a doctor, so I will study Chinese medicine with him. I always feel that these jobs are not my dreams. My dreams are not by my parents. I have my own business. I left my father’s clinic, found a watch factory, sold clothes from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning, worked at the factory from 9:30 to 7:00, and then went to the booth of a pharmacy in Kwun Tong. Selling clothes until 10 o’clock in the evening, I only rented a 50-square-meter wooden house for 120 yuan per month. Unexpectedly, one day, my house was fired again, I was homeless, just at the factory where I worked. Sitting under the stairs. When I earned 60,000 yuan in 1981, I bought a piece of land at Lei Yue Mun in Hong Kong, built a house, and let my father retire to my home. In 1982, The factory I made was closed down. I entered the model school. After graduation, I opened a beauty salon.In 1984, I went to a US-owned company to be the sales manager. In 1987, the general manager of any Japanese company, in 1989, the company withdrew, they gave me two ways. First, I can bring my wife and children to Japan. Second, I can go to Australia. My wife can’t go. I am not willing to go these two roads. I stayed in Hong Kong and started the road of independent entrepreneurship. Health Circle Ltd. was established.”

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group
Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group
Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

“In entrepreneurship, I know that to achieve a great cause, we must constantly learn new knowledge to supplement our own nutrition. During my tenure as chairman, I successfully inspire the college to study in the United States, complete the goal dynamics, time management And business management. In 1995, I won the most outstanding personal achievement award from the college, and was appointed to the United States to successfully motivate the Hong Kong district director of the college. My career has grown bigger and bigger. I established Health Circle International Group this year. As the chairman.”

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group
Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group
Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group
Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group
Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

Always ready to serve the motherland

On Dr.Allan Wong’s long business card, there are more than a dozen honorary principals in the mainland [Dandelion Elementary School], Dr.Allan Wong said, “In Brunei, I said that if one day I have a day, I must What to do for the motherland of the motherland.” Seeing that there are so many children in the mainland, like his childhood, he has no money to study. Dr.Allan Wong decided to help them, just as the China Education Foundation helped him. He founded Health Circle. The Charity Association plans to establish 50 “Dandelion Primary Schools” in China within five years。

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

Dr.Allan Wong said: “In the past few years, I have traveled to Guangzhou, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shandong and the three northeastern provinces and other provinces and cities. In the remote villages of these provinces and cities, I have deep feelings with the children there, often Starting from the foundation of the first school building, I started to dig together and went to the village to visit the children who were out of school and their parents. Although these things took up a lot of my time and energy, my heart was very fulfilling. I have been thinking that my mother-in-law is very happy in the days. I will bring the expectations of his old people to my motherland and bring them to the children of the motherland.”

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group
Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group
Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

In March 1997, on the eve of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, Dr.Allan Wong invested a total of 1.36 million to sponsor the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, the State Council Information Office, the Hong Kong Wenbao Daily and the Chinese socio-economic culture. The large-scale photo exhibition of “History and Development of Hong Kong” co-organized by the exchange meeting. When some journalists visited his motives at the time, Mr. Wong said: “This is an opportunity that I have always dreamed of. If I had not been displaced by the ‘Chinese Exclusion’, I will not be so attached to and love my country and my country’s compatriots. I will not work so hard, study hard, and desperately support the education in the Mainland…”

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group
Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

Today Asia Pacific Tomorrow World

Dr.Allan Wong always thinks about the people in this land of the motherland. He is engaged in health. He wants to serve everyone with the best equipment and technology. Mr. Wong Qiwei personally formulated the company’s five health goals: building family health and health, economic health, social health and mental health.

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

In 1997, Dr.Allan Wong of the investment and sales industry actively studied the franchise sales, the potential of chain operation, and saw the vast market in Hong Kong and the mainland. The company was established based on diversified operations in Hong Kong, Macao and other overseas countries and regions. At the same time, the comprehensive and comprehensive development of all aspects of the combination of franchise stores and chain operations in the Mainland.

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

Following October 1997, Mr. Wong took the lead in successfully obtaining the chain business license issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and actively promoted the legalization, cooperation, rationalization, and qualified four-chain operation activities, and successively in Guangzhou. , Shenzhen, Shantou, Fuzhou, Changchun and other places to open franchise chain stores.Up to now, Health Circle has become a company with more than 100,000 franchisees and health members, more than 100 employees, and a total office building and production plant with a total area of more than tens of thousands of feet. The Group’s business covers Hong Kong, Macao and China and is gradually expanding. To the entire Asia-Pacific market, its amazing development and outstanding achievements have made Dr. Allan Wong a legend in the marketing industry. He also laid the foundation for Health Circle to build China, Hong Kong and Macao and enter the Asia-Pacific region. The solid foundation of the world.

Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group
Pursuing Health Circle~Visit Dr.Allan Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Health Circle Group

This year, it is the third decade of the establishment of Health Circle, and we wish that the Health Circle International Group will always grow on a healthy path.

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