Kangfu Charity Association

The Kangfu Charity Association was established in 1998 and is an independent, non-profit, non-government-funded institution. The purpose of the Kangfu Charity Association was to carry forward the "education-based, charitable-based" and the great spirit of rejuvenating the country. Kangfu Charity Association actively cooperates with successful people at home and abroad to organize charitable activities in Hong Kong and the motherland regardless of geographical or border.

Mission: Adhering to the cultural traditions of the Chinese nation, respecting the elderly and helping the young, and helping those in need in society. Efforts have been made to let the national cultural and educational undertakings be ignited and to contribute to the cultivation of talents, and spare no effort.


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    May 1997
    May 1997

    In May 1997, the Taishan Merit Society was hosted by the Hong Kong University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong Medical College. The cancer-stricken activities sponsored by Health Circle International were held in Kowloon Park, Hong Kong. The health of Health Circle extended to the feet of cancer patients.The crowds at the event were booming and the event was unprecedented. The launch of anti-cancer activities was enthusiastically responded by people from all walks of life.The conference invited experts from China and Hong Kong to fight cancer experts, Minister of Health of China, Minister Chen Minzhang, and Chairman of Health Circle International, Dr. Allan Wong (word Yuanping). There are also many well-known figures in the film and television industry, such as Ms. Zhu Mimi, Mr. Zhang Zhaohui, Mr. Hu Feng and so on.

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    March 1997
    March 1997

    In March 1997, in order to celebrate the return of Hong Kong to the motherland, Health Circle International Group exclusively sponsored Hong Kong’s history and development of large-scale photo exhibitions. Zeng Xianyi, Fan Xu Litai, Ma Wanqi, and Xinhua News Agency Vice President Zhang Junsheng visited the exhibition.Zhou Nan’s strokes put forward the inscription of “health and wealth combination”, which became the spirit and principle of Health Circle’s development.


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    In 1996, in order to care for the growth of young people, Health Circle International Group donated 2 million yuan to build a Health Circle Group Huangyuanping Keng Zi Adult School in Shenzhen.